Paul Auster

Paul Auster was a writer and novelist who died on April 30, 2024, at seventy-seven. I loved his books when I was younger. His New York Trilogy consists of three books, one of which is ” The Locked Room.” Using this book, I’ll discuss two points to show the differences between English and Japanese and to encourage you to learn English. They are those two.

  1. The difference in the word order is crucial.
    The last sentence of this novel reveals what is in the box on the table in a room. Those who have read the previous sentences may be excited to find it out in the last sentence. Mr. Shibata translated this novel. He wroteー鍵があった in the end. There is no excitement there at all. He should have written-あったのは、、鍵だった. It’s a tiny thing, but there is a big problem when you learn English. Word order is a crucial issue. When you speak, write, listen, and read, you always remember that these two languages’ word orders are different.
  2. The meaning of learning English
    One of my colleagues told me one day,” Your English is colorful. You inspired me.” We were talking about Paul Auster’s books then. Did my personality make my English unique? I thought like that. But No, it didn’t. My English was different from his, and my viewpoints differed from his. My points of view are from my life as a Japanese.

    Sometimes, being Japanese prevents us from commanding English. But that allows us to show and gain new and different points of view.

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